Below please find the pre-order information for the anthology.
My short story "Rolla" is included.
The print edition is available to
pre-order on Amazon. Amazon allows print pre-orders without uploading a
manuscript. Approximately two weeks before the publication date, we will upload
and release the final version, which will then be distributed to B&N and
other outlets.
The ebook edition has been uploaded
to Amazon, B&N, Kobo, and iTunes. We have links for the first three
vendors, and should have an iTunes link within the next 24 hours or so:
iTunes: TBD
On Amazon, the print and ebook
formats are on different pages; we'll get them merged onto a single page. (It
may happen automatically within the next day or so, as the ebook was just
uploaded over the weekend and it sometimes takes 72 hours or so for Amazon to
coordinate pages and such.)
· and
just to close the loop on the digital pre-orders, here is the iTunes purchase
· The
Down & Out Bookstore page has all these links collected on one page,
· the
digital formats will be available at a special pre-order price of $3.99 through
the publication date. After that, the price will be $8.99. So there is an
incentive to pre-order the book!